Neutron/Gamma Shielding
The use of neutron and gamma shielding — heavier shielding than what is used in traditional x-ray or CT scan — has increased as the nuclear medicine field has grown and changed. A&L Shielding has kept pace with the changing needs in this field. With this continued evolution, our technical department has worked to engineer and build the necessary door and wall systems, as well as HVAC and ceiling shielding. We custom engineer each project in a manner that fits each project's individual needs. This may include lead sheeting, interlocking lead bricks, high density or borated polyethylene, lead-lined plywood or a combination of any of these. Along with cost-effective design and superior quality production, A&L offers various installation services for neutron and gamma shielding. Please review the materials in the links below, and let us know if we can be of service in assisting the design and construction of your project.